Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Obesity can Worsen Macular Degeneration Symptoms

( People living with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can make their symptoms worse by being obese, reported New FIX recently. According to the article, experts thus far are not certain why
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Doctor Offers Tips For Safeguarding Eye Health

( Around 179.5 million adults require some sort of vision correction intervention, which means that there is a serious need for a solution, reported the Health News Digest. According to the
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Sunglasses Can Protect Eyes From Macular Degeneration

( Exposure to sunlight, specifically the ultra violet rays from the sun, could ultimately lead to eye ailments such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), reported The Chicago Daily Herald recently. According
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Lettuce and Turnips and Pears… Oh My!

( If you grew up hearing your parents tell you to eat your fruits and vegetables, know for certain that it really was for your own good, according to a