People living in Queensland, Australia, will experience one of the biggest increases in terms of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) cases across the country up to 2030, reported recently.

According to the article, the projected swell of 80% of diagnoses  in under 20 years comes as eye professionals caution that early detection courtesy of routine eye exams and self-test products will dramatically lower the odds of getting AMD. The article added that the average increase across the country is 65%

Last year, the number of AMD cases in Queensland was 207,169. That number, however, is on pace to climb to 373,240.

According to the article, John Webster, a Gold Coast resident, looks after his 91-year-old father Ted full time. Ted started losing his vision around seven years back, and the frustration surrounding AMD has had an adverse impact on the entire family, added the article. John explained that his father loved to read but can no longer do so due to the eye disease.

According to the article, people who smoke and live a lifestyle that does not promote optimal health have an increased risk of getting AMD. Furthermore, studies show that one in seven people who are older than 50 will end up being diagnosed with AMD. The article added that AMD is the foremost cause of legal blindness. However, the sooner it is diagnosed, the more treatment options are on the table.

According to numerous studies, people can dramatically reduce their odds of getting AMD, or at least, slow down the diseases progression, if they watch what they eat. Consuming lots of leafy green vegetables, eating generous amounts of fish with omega 3 fatty acids and chowing down on fruits can help in the fight against AMD. Maintaining an ideal weight, exercising regularly, keeping cholesterol at an ideal level, avoiding high blood pressure and steering clear of smoking can also help. One thing that should be on everyone’s to-do list is seeing an eye doctor regularly for exams. People who have a family history of AMD will themselves face a higher risk of eventually being diagnosed with AMD, which means that such people will need to work along with their eye care professional to determine that best strategy for them.

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