(http://www.PreserveMacForte.com) People who are currently getting eye injections to treat their wet  age-related macular degeneration (AMD) could soon be able to take advantage of another treatment method, reported News Press recently.

According to the article, the Fort Myers, Florida-based Retina Health Center is, as part of a new clinical trial, offering wet AMD patients who enroll Squalamine eye drops. The center is located at 1567 Hayley Lane and its website is retinahealthcenter.com, according to the article.

According to the article, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) early last year granted the Squalamine Eye Drop Program fast track designation. The FDA fast tracks new medicines undergoing clinical trials if it feels that such drugs show promising results as relates to treating serious issues.

Recent research suggests that AMD, an eye ailment that can potentially cause blindness, is set to become more and more prevalent not only in the U.S., but also globally. AMD generally impacts the elderly. And with medical advances making it possible for people to live longer, the demographic making up the elderly will grow larger and will be more susceptible to coming down with eye issues. That said, people of all ages can enjoy good eye health if they take their eye-care efforts seriously.

While there is presently no cure for the vision-impairment disease, there are things that people can do to either avoid getting AMD altogether or to slow down its progress if they do end up getting diagnosed with it despite their best efforts.

People should see their eye doctors regularly for tests and exams. If they have a family history of AMD, then they should consult their eye doctors to determine how frequently they should be coming in for tests and exams. Studies have also shown that people who want to protect their eye health and avoid vision-loss issues should also be sure to consume lots of leafy green produce and fish containing Omega-3 fatty acids. Research also shows that people who want to avoid getting AMD should give up smoking, maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid becoming obese and steering clear of alcohol.

Reference: http://www.news-press.com/article/20121231/HEALTH/121231014/Local-trials-seminar-macular-degeneration