(PreserveMacForte.com) There are more incidences of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in Florida than in any other region in the United States of America, according to Florida Healthy Seniors recently.

The article noted that AMD is the primary cause of vision loss in the country among people who are more than 70 years old. According to the article, in excess of two million people in the U.S. are living with AMD, and women are two times as likely to get the eye ailment that can progress towards blindness than are men.

The article explained that AMD is the result of the deterioration of the macula, which is situated at the back of the eye. This portion of the eye, which helps with being able to see fine detail, leads to blurry vision when AMD kicks in. People with AMD tend to have problems reading, watching television, driving and doing various other things. AMD comes in two forms, the dry form and the wet form. The wet form is the more serious of the two and is the most likely to lead to vision impairment.

Fortunately, there are things people can do to lessen their odds of coming down with AMD. Probably the first thing to come to mind is cigarettes. Those who smoke should stop, and those who don’t smoke should pat themselves on the back and stay away from the bad, unhealthy drug. Another consideration is sunglasses. It’s important to use sunglasses that provide adequate protection from ultra violet rays. According to the article, UV rays can cause AMD. Another thing to keep in mind is food. Eating the right sorts of food can help to lower the risks of getting AMD. As such, consuming lots of leafy green produce is recommended for those who want to safeguard their eye health. Other articles have mentioned that food that is high in omega-3 fatty acids is also a good choice.

Meanwhile, various articles have noted that AMD is a worldwide problem. And, despite the fact that there have been some promising developments in the fight against the eye ailment, the problem is expected to get worse as people live longer.

Reference: http://www.floridahealthyseniors.com/2012/09/20/macular-degeneration-and-your-eyes/