(http://www.PreserveMacForte.com) An acupuncturist in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is using acupuncture to help people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to CTV News in a February 18 report.

The report noted that Linda Shannon was diagnosed with the wet version of AMD back in 2006. Her doctor told her not only that there was nothing that could be done to stop the vision loss, but also that she would go blind within 60 months. However, Shannon, looking for other options, visited the Sino Acupuncture Clinic in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, and saw acupuncturist Zhaoqi Guo. Within five treatments, Shannon noticed an improvement with her vision.

According to the article, Guo believed that she could get even better results if Shannon combined the acupuncture treatments with a meat-free diet. “I didn’t want to change my diet but the eye specialist gave up on me and he in five days reversed it,” said Shannon, “which is supposed to be impossible. I’m going to give him every chance.”

According to the article, Guo learned about acupuncture from his father. He arrived in Canada in 1987 as a visiting professor at the University of Ottawa’s faculty of medicine. Three years after coming to Canada, Guo opened his acupuncture practice. At the clinic, he treats a number of cancers, migraines, thyroid issues, asthma, high cholesterol and other problems, according to the article. Guo said in the article that he’s treated quite a few people with macular degeneration with varying levels of success.

While Shannon insisted that Guo helped her to avoid becoming blind, the article noted that her claims have not yet been medically verified. In fact, an unidentified spokesperson with the Ottawa Hospital’s Eye Institute said in the report that there is no verifiable proof that AMD can be effectively treated with acupuncture. The report added that people should consult their doctor before treating illnesses with alternative therapies.

The jury is still out as to whether or not acupuncture can truly help people with AMD to regain sight lost to the ailment, but Shannon’s testimony at least provides a slim glimmer of hope of what might be possible.

Reference: http://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-acupuncturist-treats-macular-degeneration-1.1161397