Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Smoking Increases Macular Degeneration Risk Rates

( Long recognized as a bad habit that can lead to lung cancer, smoking can also lead to eye ailments such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), reported Tribune Interactive. According to
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Doctor Offers Tips For Safeguarding Eye Health

( Around 179.5 million adults require some sort of vision correction intervention, which means that there is a serious need for a solution, reported the Health News Digest. According to the
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Genetics Play Role in Macular Degeneration Risk

( Genetics appear to play a critical part in determining whether or not people get age-related macular degeneration (AMD), reported News FIX recently. The article noted that AMD results when the
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Sunglasses Can Protect Eyes From Macular Degeneration

( Exposure to sunlight, specifically the ultra violet rays from the sun, could ultimately lead to eye ailments such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), reported The Chicago Daily Herald recently. According
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Combat Macular Degeneration

( Omega-3 fatty acids can help to fight off the ravages of age-related macular degeneration  (AMD), a disease that progressively damages the central vision and renders it difficult to do
Preserve Mac Forte Vision Support

Lettuce and Turnips and Pears… Oh My!

( If you grew up hearing your parents tell you to eat your fruits and vegetables, know for certain that it really was for your own good, according to a